Monday, 10 June 2024

A Love Story in Feathers


Tale on A Love Story in Feathers/

Pip and Petal: Where True Wealth Lies in a Snipped Feather and a Shared Dream

Pip, a young paradise duck with feathers the colour of sunset, was preening his emerald wingtips by the lagoon when a flash of cerulean blue caught his eye. It was Petal, a newcomer, her plumage as vibrant as a summer sky. Her arrival stirred something new in Pip's usually carefree heart.

Days turned into weeks as Pip found himself swimming near Petal often. They'd discuss the juicy water lilies they'd found, play tag amongst the reeds, and watch fireflies dance at dusk. Petal, with her stories of faraway waterfalls, captivated Pip's adventurous spirit. He, in turn, showed her the hidden coves teeming with plump water bugs.

One day, as they shared a particularly tasty dragonfly, Pip noticed Petal gazing longingly at a family of ducks building a nest in a hollowed log. "Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a home like that someday?" Petal sighed.

Pip felt a surge of protectiveness. He wanted to provide Petal with everything she desired. But paradise ducks weren't known for material things. Their wealth lay in their dazzling feathers, a sign of beauty and status.

Suddenly, Pip had an idea. "Cutest duck in the lagoon," he whispered to Petal, making her blush, "would you like a gift?" He then confided his plan. With a hesitant snip, Pip cut off one of his most stunning sunset-orange feathers.

Petal gasped. "Pip, that's your most beautiful one!"

"That's how much I want to build a future with you," he said, his heart pounding. Petal, touched by his sacrifice, did the same, giving Pip a feather the colour of a clear summer sky.

Together, they bartered their feathers for reeds to weave a nest, pebbles for a sturdy foundation, and soft down from cattails for a cozy lining. Their sacrifice, a symbol of their love, built them a beautiful home, filled with warmth and laughter.

Their ducklings, a perfect blend of cerulean and sunset hues, were a constant reminder of their unwavering love and the sacrifices they made. Pip and Petal, surrounded by their vibrant family, lived happily ever after. They knew that true happiness wasn't about material wealth, but about the love that made every day in their little paradise perfect.

Bird Singing