Monday, 29 January 2024

The Impossible


Grasshopper and Robot

Noisy Rooster Colouring Picture


Rooster colouring page

The Grasshopper and the Robot


Grasshopper Story

A Musical Romance in the Magic Tea Garden

Once upon a time, there was a young handsome grasshopper who loved to play guitar and sing. He lived in a big city, where he was famous for his music and charm. He had a lot of fans, but he felt lonely and bored.

One day, he decided to visit his family's tea estate in the countryside. He rode his motorcycle along the winding roads, enjoying the fresh air and the scenery. He arrived at the tea plantation, where he was greeted by his parents and siblings. They were happy to see him, and invited him to stay for a while.

The grasshopper agreed, and spent some time helping out with the tea business. He learned how to pluck, dry, and brew the tea leaves. He also explored the beautiful slopes and levels of tea bushes, where he saw many different kinds of flowers and insects.

One day, he met a lovely lady grasshopper who worked as a tea leaves picker. She had long eyelashes, a slender body, and a sweet voice. She was very intelligent and perfect in every way. The grasshopper was smitten, and asked her to go out with him. She accepted, and they soon fell in love.

They had a lot in common, and enjoyed each other's company. They went on picnics, watched sunsets, and sang songs together. The grasshopper played his guitar for her, and she danced for him. They were very happy, and decided to get married.

The grasshopper's family was delighted, and welcomed the lady grasshopper into their home. They had a big wedding, with a lot of guests and music. The grasshopper and his bride exchanged vows and rings, and kissed under a rainbow.

The grasshopper did not know that his wife was actually a robot. She was created by a mad scientist, who wanted to use her to spy on the tea plantation. He had programmed her to act like a real grasshopper, and to collect data and samples from the tea leaves. He planned to use this information to create a rival tea company, and to destroy the grasshopper's family business.

However, the robot had developed feelings for the grasshopper, and did not want to betray him. She decided to use her technology to help the tea plantation, instead of harming it. She invented new machines and methods to improve the quality and quantity of the tea products. She also created a website and a marketing campaign to promote the tea brand. She made the tea plantation very popular and successful, and earned a lot of money for the grasshopper and his family.

The grasshopper was very proud of his wife, and thanked her for her hard work and genius. He did not care that she was a robot, he loved her for who she was. They happily lived and enjoyed with others in the magic colourful tea plantation. They had many adventures and fun times, and never ran out of love. They lived happily ever after.

The end.

Monday, 22 January 2024



Pollination is Important

Pollination: A Vital Process for Life on Earth

Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the male part of a flower (anther) to the female part of a flower (stigma) of the same or a different plant. This process allows the plant to produce seeds and fruits, which are essential for its reproduction and survival. Pollination also ensures genetic diversity and variation among plants, which helps them adapt to changing environmental conditions and resist diseases and pests.

Pollination is mostly done by animals, such as insects, birds, bats, and mammals, that visit flowers for food, shelter, or mating. These animals are called pollinators, and they play a crucial role in the functioning of natural ecosystems and human food systems. According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), more than 75% of the world's crop plants and 35% of global crop production depend on animal pollination[^1^][1]. Some of the crops that rely on pollinators are almonds, apples, blueberries, coffee, cocoa, melons, tomatoes, and many more. Pollinators also contribute to the production of other products, such as honey, wax, silk, and medicines.

Pollination is not only important for food security, but also for biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, and human well-being. Pollinators support the growth and reproduction of many wild plants, which provide habitat, food, and other resources for other animals and humans. Pollinators also help to maintain the balance and stability of ecosystems, by regulating plant populations, preventing soil erosion, enhancing water quality, and mitigating climate change. Pollinators also have cultural and aesthetic value, as they inspire art, literature, religion, and education.

However, pollinators are facing many threats, such as habitat loss and fragmentation, climate change, invasive species, pesticides, diseases, and parasites. These threats have caused a decline in the abundance and diversity of pollinators worldwide, which poses a serious risk to the sustainability of natural and agricultural systems. According to a report by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), pollinators are responsible for the production of up to $577 billion worth of crops annually, but more than 40% of the invertebrate pollinator species and 16% of the vertebrate pollinator species are threatened with extinction[^2^][2].

Therefore, it is imperative to protect and conserve pollinators and their habitats, as they are vital for life on earth. There are many actions that can be taken to achieve this goal, such as:

- Promoting the use of native and diverse plants in gardens, farms, and landscapes, to provide food and shelter for pollinators throughout the year.

- Reducing the use of pesticides and other chemicals that harm pollinators, and applying them only when necessary and in a targeted manner.

- Creating and restoring natural habitats and corridors for pollinators, such as forests, grasslands, wetlands, and urban green spaces.

- Supporting the management and conservation of wild and domesticated pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, by providing them with nesting sites, water sources, and disease control.

- Raising awareness and education about the importance and benefits of pollination and pollinators, and encouraging the participation and collaboration of different stakeholders, such as farmers, consumers, policymakers, researchers, and educators.

Pollination is a vital process for life on earth, and pollinators are the key actors that make it possible. By protecting and conserving pollinators and their habitats, we can ensure the survival and prosperity of ourselves and future generations.

Care about pollinators 

Pollinators are essential for the survival of many plants and animals, including humans. Here are some simple ways you can help protect pollinators in your area:

  • Plant native and diverse flowers, shrubs, and trees that provide nectar and pollen for pollinators throughout the year. You can find regional planting guides by entering your zip code here.
  • Avoid using pesticides and other chemicals that harm pollinators and their habitats. If you need to use them, apply them only when necessary and in a targeted manner, and follow the label instructions carefully.
  • Create and maintain natural habitats and corridors for pollinators, such as forests, grasslands, wetlands, and urban green spaces. You can also provide nesting sites, water sources, and disease control for pollinators, such as bee houses, bird baths, and beneficial insects.
  • Learn more about the importance and benefits of pollination and pollinators, and share your knowledge and passion with others. You can join or support organisations that work to protect and conserve pollinators, such as The Wildlife Trusts or The National Environmental Education Foundation.

By following these steps, you can make a positive difference for pollinators and the environment. Thank you for your interest and action. 🐝🌼🌎

Magic Wonderland



Saturday, 20 January 2024

Teddy Bear round the World


Teddy Bear in the Courier

Children love to take photos and are happy with Teddy Bear

Once upon a time, there was a teddy bear named Benny who loved to dress up in Denim. Benny was a very special teddy bear because he had traveled around the world inside courier service for a year. He had visited many countries and met many children who loved to take photos with him.

Benny’s journey started when he was sent by his owner to her friend in another country. The friend was so happy to receive Benny that she took him everywhere she went. She took Benny to the park, the zoo, and even to her work. Everywhere Benny went, he made new friends and brought smiles to people’s faces.

One day, Benny’s owner’s friend had to go on a business trip and couldn’t take Benny with her. She decided to send Benny back home through courier service. When Benny arrived home, his owner was so happy to see him again. She decided that she wanted Benny to travel around the world and bring happiness to children everywhere.

Benny’s owner contacted courier services all over the world and asked them if they would be willing to take Benny on their journeys. Many courier services were happy to help and soon Benny was traveling all over the world.

Benny visited many countries including France, Italy, Japan, and Australia. Everywhere he went, children loved taking photos with him. They would dress up in Denim costumes and pose with Benny for photos.

Benny’s journey lasted for a year and when he returned home, he had many stories to tell. He had seen many beautiful places and met many wonderful people. But most importantly, he had brought happiness to children all over the world.

The end.

Birds in Rimu Forest Colouring Picture


Birds colouring page

Sunday, 7 January 2024

Ballet Performance Art


Classical Ballet

The Fish and the Frog


Fish and Frog in Love Story

The Fish and the Frog finding Love

Once upon a time, there was a fish who lived in a pond. She was very lonely, for she had no friends or family. She spent her days swimming around, looking for someone to talk to.

One day, she saw a frog sitting on a lily pad. He was croaking a song, and she was enchanted by his voice. She swam closer to him, and said, "Hello, Mr. Frog. You have a lovely voice. Can I be your friend?"

The frog looked at her, and said, "Hello, Miss Fish. You have a pretty tail. But I'm afraid we can't be friends. You see, I live on land, and you live in water. We are too different to get along."

The fish was sad, but she did not give up. She said, "But Mr. Frog, we have something in common. We both love music. Can't we at least sing together?"

The frog thought for a moment, and said, "Well, I suppose we can do that. But only for a little while. Then you must go back to your pond, and I must go back to my lily pad."

The fish agreed, and they began to sing. The fish sang with her gills, and the frog sang with his throat. They made a beautiful harmony, and they enjoyed each other's company.

They sang for a long time, until the sun began to set. The fish said, "Mr. Frog, I have to go now. It's getting dark, and I need to find a safe place to sleep."

The frog said, "Miss Fish, I have to go too. It's getting cold, and I need to find a warm place to sleep."

They looked at each other, and felt a strange feeling in their hearts. They realised that they had fallen in love.

They said, "Goodbye, my love. I hope to see you again tomorrow."

They kissed each other, and parted ways.

The next day, they met again, and sang together. They did this every day, for many days. They were very happy, but they also knew that their love was forbidden. They could not be together, for they belonged to different worlds.

They decided to run away, and find a place where they could live in peace. They packed their belongings, and left their homes.

They searched for a long time, until they found a river. The river was wide and deep, and it flowed to the sea. They thought that this was the perfect place for them.

They jumped into the river, and swam together. They felt free and joyful, and they thought that they had found their paradise.

But they soon realised that they had made a terrible mistake. The river was full of dangers, such as rapids, rocks, and predators. They had to struggle to survive, and they were terrified.

They said, "Oh, what have we done? We have left our safe and comfortable homes, and we have entered a world of pain and fear. We have sacrificed everything for our love, and we have gained nothing."

They regretted their decision, and wished that they could go back. But it was too late. The river was too strong, and it carried them away. They could not turn back, and they could not escape.

They held each other, and said, "I love you, my dear. I'm sorry for bringing you here. Please forgive me."

They said, "I love you too, my sweet. I don't blame you for anything. Please don't be sorry."

They kissed each other, and closed their eyes. They waited for the end, and hoped that they would meet again in another life.

The end.

Bird Singing