Monday, 11 September 2023

The Mouse and the Broken Umbrella


Umbrella saved the Mouse

A mouse's best friend saves the day

Once upon a time, there was a little mouse who was on his way home from a long day of work. As he was walking, he saw a broken umbrella lying in the middle of the road. The mouse was about to walk past it when he noticed that the umbrella was still beautiful, even though it was broken. He decided to take it home with him and see if he could fix it.

The mouse took the umbrella home and set to work. He carefully repaired the broken spokes and the torn fabric. When he was finished, the umbrella was as good as new. The mouse was so proud of his work that he decided to give the umbrella a name. He called it "Lucky."

Lucky became the mouse's best friend. The mouse would take Lucky everywhere with him. Lucky would watch over the mouse while he slept, and he would protect the mouse from the sun and rain. The mouse was so grateful to have Lucky in his life.

One day, the mouse was walking home from work when he saw two hungry cats. The cats started to chase the mouse, and the mouse knew that he had to do something to escape. He quickly opened Lucky and held on tight.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew. The wind lifted the mouse and Lucky up into the air, and the mouse was able to escape from the cats. The mouse was so grateful to Lucky for saving his life.

The mouse and Lucky continued to be best friends for many years. The mouse never forgot how Lucky had saved his life, and he always made sure to take care of Lucky. The mouse learned that it is important to never waste anything that can be repaired or reused. He also learned that it is important to be brave, and that even the smallest creatures can be strong if they have a friend to help them.

The end.

Bird Singing