Friday, 20 October 2023

A Winter Wonderland


Winter Tale of Love and Adventure

A Winter Tale of Love and Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a snowman and a snow lady who lived in a snowy village. They were very happy together, and they loved to play in the snow. They made snowballs, snow angels, and snow forts. They also liked to go for walks and explore the village.

One day, they decided to go to the park and see the frozen pond. They put on their hats, scarves, and gloves, and set off on their adventure. They walked past the houses, the shops, and the school. They saw many children playing in the snow, making snowmen and having snowball fights. They waved hello to everyone they met.

When they reached the park, they saw the pond was covered with ice. It looked very shiny and smooth. They wanted to try skating on it, but they didn’t have any skates. They thought maybe they could slide on their feet instead.

They stepped onto the ice carefully, holding each other’s hands. They started to slide slowly, feeling the cold under their feet. They felt a breeze on their faces, and they smiled. They felt free and happy.

They slid faster and faster, making circles and curves on the ice. They laughed and cheered as they glided along. They felt like they were flying.

Suddenly, they heard a loud crack. The ice was breaking under their weight. They gasped and tried to stop, but it was too late. The ice shattered beneath them, and they fell into the water.

They screamed and splashed, trying to get out of the pond. The water was freezing cold, and it soaked their clothes. They felt their bodies getting numb and weak.

They looked around for help, but no one was nearby. The park was empty and quiet. They felt scared and alone.

They held each other tightly, hoping someone would come and save them. They prayed for a miracle.

Then, they saw something in the sky. It was a big umbrella, floating in the air. It had white polka dots on it, and it looked very pretty.

They wondered who it belonged to, and how it got there. They didn’t have time to think about it, though. They reached for the umbrella, hoping it would help them.

The umbrella came closer and closer to them, until it was right above their heads. It opened up wide, covering them from the cold wind and snow. It lifted them up gently from the water, like a magic carpet.

They felt warm and safe under the umbrella. They hugged each other with relief and joy. They thanked the umbrella for saving them.

The umbrella carried them back to their home in the village. It set them down softly on their front porch. It closed itself and gave them a wink.

They smiled and thanked the umbrella again. They wondered where it came from, and who sent it to them.

They looked at each other and realised it didn’t matter. They knew it was a gift from someone who cared about them.

They took the umbrella inside their house, along with their wet clothes. They dried themselves off with towels, and changed into dry clothes. They made some hot chocolate with marshmallows, and sat by the fireplace.

They cuddled under a blanket, holding the umbrella in their arms. They felt warm and cozy inside.

They decided to keep the umbrella as a souvenir of their adventure. They hung it on their wall, next to their pictures.

They never forgot that day when they were saved by a magic umbrella.

They lived happily ever after.

The end.

Tortoises Incredible Home


Incredible  Countryside

Monday, 9 October 2023

Chores for Happy Children in a Model Technology World


Raising up a happy child

How chores can help children develop important life skills, even in a world                         where machines can do most of the work.

In a world where technology is increasingly automating tasks and eliminating jobs, it is more important than ever to teach children the value of work and responsibility. Chores and part-time jobs can help children develop a strong work ethic, learn to cooperate and work towards common goals, and gain a sense of accomplishment.

Here are six pointers to keep in mind when you have your children do chores in a model technology world:

  1. Understand the real goals. The purpose of chores is not simply to get tasks done, but to help children develop important life skills such as responsibility, independence, self-esteem, confidence, and competence. Doing chores also helps children understand that people must cooperate and work towards common goals.
  2. Start early. Children as young as two can help with simple tasks such as fetching and carrying or sorting laundry. As they get older, they can take on more challenging tasks, such as setting the table, putting away their toys, and helping with dishes.
  3. Set realistic standards. It is important to remember that children are still learning and developing. Don't expect them to do chores perfectly. Instead, focus on teaching them the basics and helping them to improve over time.
  4. Don't bribe. The best payment for a job is a smile, a hug, or a "thank you." Telling others how proud you are, within the child's earshot, is another form of compensation. Children should also receive an allowance, but don't make it a paycheque. Paying a child for duties they should perform anyway not only smacks of a bribe, but implies the task has no value in itself.
  5. Support "outside" work. Weeding gardens, babysitting, and delivering newspapers are all great ways for children to learn how to work for different people's standards, as well as teaching independence and providing further lessons in responsibility.
  6. Don't overdo it. Work is valuable, but drudgery isn't. Too many duties can intrude on the child's education, social activities, or other aspects of growing up.

In a model technology world, it is more important than ever to teach children the value of work and responsibility. By following these tips, you can help your children develop the skills and mindset they need to succeed in life.

Here are some additional tips for teaching children about work and responsibility in a model technology world:

  • Help children to understand the importance of technology in the workplace. Explain how technology is used to automate tasks, improve efficiency, and create new jobs.
  • Encourage children to explore different career options. Talk to them about the different types of jobs that are available and the skills and training that are required for each job.
  • Help children to develop their digital skills. This includes teaching them how to use basic computer software, as well as more advanced skills such as coding and web development.
  • Provide children with opportunities to work on real-world projects. This could involve helping them to start their own business, volunteer in their community, or participate in extracurricular activities that involve teamwork and problem-solving.

By teaching children about work and responsibility in a model technology world, you can help them to develop the skills and mindset they need to succeed in the future.

Sunday, 1 October 2023

From Teacher to Tycoon


Jar of gold into Farming Empire

        A Success Thriller Based on a True Story of Luck, Hard Work, and                                                               Intelligence

        Dave had always wanted to be a teacher, but he soon realized that his passion 

        did not pay well. He struggled to make ends meet in the city, where everything 

        was expensive and competitive. He decided to move to the countryside, where 

        he could live a simpler and cheaper life. He found a part-time job as a teacher 

        in a small village school, where he taught the children basic subjects like math 

        and English.

        He enjoyed the peaceful and natural surroundings of the village, where he could 

        grow his own food and save some money. He managed to buy a small piece of 

        land and started his own farm. He planted beans, corn, and vegetables, and sold

         them at the local market. He also kept some chickens and cows for eggs and milk.

        One day, while he was ploughing his field, he hit something hard with his hoe. He 

        dug it out and found a clay jar buried in the soil. He opened it and saw that it was 

        filled with gold coins. He could not believe his eyes. He had stumbled upon a 

       hidden treasure!

        He quickly hid the jar in his house and thought about what to do with it. He knew 

        that he could not spend it all at once, or he would attract unwanted attention. He 

        decided to use it wisely and invest it in his farm. He bought more land, seeds, tools, 

        and machines. He hired some workers to help him with the farming.

        He also had an idea to make his own soy sauce from his beans. He learned how 

        to ferment the beans and add salt, water, and spices. He bottled his soy sauce and 

        sold it at the market. It was a hit. People loved his soy sauce and praised it’s taste 

        and quality. He soon had more orders than he could handle.

        He decided to expand his business and build a factory to produce more soy sauce. 

        He also diversified his products and made other kinds of sauces, drinks, and canned 

        food from his farm produce. He branded his products as “Dave’s Farm” and 

        exported them to other countries. His products became popular in Asia and beyond.

        Dave became a successful businessman and a millionaire. But he never forgot his 

        roots and his values. He used his wealth to help the village and the school where he 

        taught. He built roads, bridges, wells, clinics, and libraries for the villagers. He also 

        donated books, computers, and scholarships for the children. He was respected and 

        loved by everyone.

        Dave was happy with his life. He had achieved his dreams through hard work, luck, 

        and intelligence. He had also made a positive impact on the world around him. He 

        was a true success story.

The end.

Bird Singing